Property Management
Property Management Services
Let us help you become a better investor with our management!
Below is a list of our property management services available to our clients. Please understand that no two properties are alike and we know that — so developing a specific property management plan that is right for you is our goal. Reach out today to discuss your needs and how we can help you operate your property at its ‘peak’ performance!
Full Service Property Management Services
Our general company advertising is very extensive throughout Western Wisconsin; however, if your property needs any specific marketing or graphic design work for flyers or print advertising, we can handle it!
We work with each prospective tenant to find a day and time that works for them! Your property could take 20 showings or it could take 2 – we will price your property right so it fills in the appropriate time-frame – but as many as it takes we will do!
A full application process is completed for any Lancer Group Property tenant. Some markets do lend themselves to paid applications and complete credit histories; however, the majority of our tenants are screened in-house with a complete criminal background check, income verification, and employment verification.
Monthly and annual accounting of all income and expenses as well as security deposit accounting is included for all of our clients. Some clients also require various file formatting to incorporate into their personal accounting which is no problem for us – Tell us what you need to happen and we’ll get it done!
We use state approved residential lease forms and have access any and all forms required for collection / eviction / judgment purposes as well as any and all real estate transactions.
This time of year is what may tip many owners over the edge and call us! Scheduling and setting up move-out and move-in (everyone wants to stay past their lease and every new tenant wants to get in before their lease begins!), the carpet cleaners, the maintenance to be done, the cleaners to take care of what tenants might not have done, the security deposit settlement reporting, etc. – and all of it has to happen in a matter of days. Turnovers are tough to manage – but we have many, many years of experience getting them done right!
We have a proven system of e-mails, phone calls, in-person contact, and mailed documented forms that we utilize to get your rent paid and paid on time! In the event of a ‘loss’ we will mail the required notices to tenants, file the eviction documents with the county, and follow through on getting the tenants not paying rent out of your property – no matter how many court appearances it takes!
We have a proven system of e-mails, phone calls, in-person contact, and mailed documented forms that we utilize to get your rent paid and paid on time! In the event of a ‘loss’ we will mail the required notices to tenants, file the eviction documents with the county, and follow through on getting the tenants not paying rent out of your property – no matter how many court appearances it takes!
Lancer Group Properties currently has 2 full time staff that handle all of our property maintenance. That means we’re not calling a contractor every time the front door ‘sticks’ or a plumber when the faucet leaks. We can handle most all general property maintenance and do it at a fraction of what your local plumber or contractor will charge – saving you money! Our maintenance team can also work with an owner on larger projects: remodel bathrooms, install new windows, interior floor plan changes to increase your properties rent-a-bility, and other larger projects that you may have thought were out of your budget.
Your properties appearance is important – not only to you but to prospective renters. That is why we offer lawn care and snow removal in-house at a very reasonable rate. This not only gets the exterior of your property looking tip-top, but it also gets us to your property much more frequently which helps us identify things that your house may be in need of: preventative maintenance on the exterior, small garbage lying around to pick up, furniture left outside, a tree or landscaping that may need attention, cars parked where they shouldn’t be, damage that may have occurred just that day or that week, etc. etc. We can keep a closer eye on your property which keeps it operating smoothly.
We can review your property insurance and property taxes to see if they are in line with the market. If they are not, we can assist in filing a petition to the county or contact your insurance agent for further details and options. We can also refer you a list of alternate insurance carriers who may be able to get you a better premium — because less expense means more income!!
All of our agents are licensed real estate professionals – there will never be a lease signed or negotiated by someone without proper experience or education.